Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Changes coming up in 2014

2014 will be bringing BIG changes to Shining Light Photography. Now that I have my first year of business under my belt, I have learned what I should do, what I shouldn't do, and what I need to work on. The changes include pricing, session times, packaging, mini sessions, giveaways, and contests.

I am no longer including CD's along with my sessions. After each session with me i will post one or two previews on Facebook (which is most likely where you found me), then I will send the client the link to a watermarked gallery. From there the client is able to choose between digital copy, prints, or both. The images are no longer picked for you on your digital copy, you are able to hand select the images you desire to have. My print pricing has went up, because I have switched printers, to the number one print company in the nation! There paper is amazing with a great texture and more than amazing quality. Their print colors are spot on to the edited photos you will receive. Up side to print ordering? 1.) With every print order of $50 or more, you will get a CD of your photos for FREE. 2.) Every print order of $100 or more, gets 10% off their entire order! If you choose digital download versus CD, you will still be able to pick those photos, and they will be sent to you through a different link and you can download them directly. 

My mini sessions will still take place throughout the year on certain large holidays. For 2014 as of right now I'm thinking Valentines Day, Easter, Summer, Fall, Hanukkah, and Christmas. :)

Beginning in 2014, I will be doing very few contests, so if you see me accepting entries...ENTER! :) I had previously been doing a game called "First to Comment" where I would post a status stating a session type and discounted price, and the first person to comment on it, would win that session at the price stated. I am now only doing these game 3-4 times a year. I will post a status on Facebook a few days prior giving a start time and duration and I will post 1 offer every 15 minutes. I will be offering a giveaway or contest once I reach certain "like" milestones on Facebook. I will be doing one when I hit 1,750 likes (which I'm only 25 likes away).

Thanks everyone!
Jessica | Shining Light Photography

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